Mental Health and Wellness Resources
Lower-fee and Sliding Scale Therapy Centers in Berkeley, CA
The Psychotherapy Institute : Therapists at The Psychotherapy Institute are in training to develop their clinical skills. Therapists here work with all kinds of clients and are able to accommodate a sliding scale. Therapists are supervised interns, and attend classes each week to cultivate and grow their clinical techniques. Contact: (510) 548-2250 and press 1
Sage Institute : Offering sliding scale talk therapy, groups, and ketamine-assisted therapies. Phone: 510-929-0222 Email:
Please see this list of low fee therapy centers via KRIYA Institute:
Eating Disorders & Body Love
The Body is Not An Apology : Radical Self-Love for Everybody and Every Body.
The Body Positive : "This health model offers an intuitive approach to health and wellbeing, and is rooted in the philosophy that people inherently possess the wisdom necessary to make healthy choices and to live in balance."
Plus-size Fitness Experts On Health At Every Size : Your size does not determine your health, and your health does not determine your size. The diet industry is just that- an industry that does not have your health in mind. Here is some priceless advice on how to listen to your own needs when it comes to taking care of your body.
Letting Go Of Fear : A beautiful and personal piece from a blogger at Healthy Place about an important element of eating disorder recovery- facing your fears and letting them go.
Beyond Hunger : Workshops and groups in Marin county for teens and adults who want to commit to loving their body and being free from food obsession and disordered eating.
DINESF Outpatient meal programs at Lotus Collaborative : Dine is a wonderful continuum of care resource in the Bay Area, hosted in their cozy kitchen from 6:30-9PM every Monday. Clients either go out to eat or prep dinner, including pre and post process. Led by Virgine De Paepe, LMFT
Self-Care and Communication
Resources on Self-Care and DBT : This is an amazing compilation of resources to help you learn to self-soothe. Dive in and stay a while, and consider adding your own.
Birthways: Empowerment, Support, and Education for New and Growing Families : Birthways is a Berkeley-based resource for parents at many stages of family development.
"Bringing a Daughter Back From The Brink With Poems" A New York Times article about using poetry and emotional engagement to connect with a child who is losing hope in the world.
Tragic Events in the News: The Fred Rogers Company shares information about how to talk with your children when they, or you, are impacted by tragic events. This site has a wealth of additional resources for parents who seek tools for deeper communication and connection with their children.
Suicidal Ideation
Suicide: READ THIS FIRST. Read this if you are considering suicide, then call your local crisis hotline and follow your plan to stay with us.
Blackline: 800-604-5841 : Centers BIPOC, LGBTQ+ Black Femme Lens
Suicide: Stay, Because We Need Each Other : Resources for you or someone you love who is feeling suicidal. "Have respect for your future being." Also, call the suicide hotline if you need to talk to someone immediately. 1-800-273-8255
To help someone experiencing suicidal thoughts: Here is a list of things you can consider and keep in mind, as well as do, when someone you love has expressed feelings of suicide.
LGBT National Help Center: 888-843-4564
Trans Lifeline: 313-662-8209
Schizophrenia, Bipolar, and Depression
TED talk from Eleanor Longden : A mental health professional talks about her struggle with schizophrenia. In this talk, she describes how to listen to that which terrifies you, and from that, learn how to be wholly you. "It sometimes snows as late as May, but summer always comes."
TED talk from Elyn Saks : This eloquent lawyer talks about her powerful experience with schizophrenia, and how psychoanalysis and medication helps her stay well and out of the terror of psychosis.
TED Talk from Andrew Solomon : "Depression, The Secret We Share". Andrew dives deep into what it really feels like to feel depressed - if you haven't felt it, it may not be what you think. (If you have, you may find this TED talk resonant.)
Finn Vivian Gratton shares a collection of resources on neurodiversity, specifically autism. Spanish language resources available here too.
Open Paradigm Project : "...these stories starkly unveil the failure of, and harm done by, the prevailing model of mental health care. Many reflect on years lost to "illnesses" they came to realize did not have a medical basis, and discuss the myriad supports which enabled them to embrace their experiences, and integrate them into their lives."
The Icarus Project : "We are a network of people living with and/or affected by experiences that are commonly diagnosed and labeled as psychiatric conditions. We believe these experiences are mad gifts needing cultivation and care, rather than diseases or disorders. By joining together as individuals and as a community, the intertwined threads of madness, creativity, and collaboration can inspire hope and transformation in an oppressive and damaged world."
The Neurodiversity Paradigm : Considering neurodiversity as a social justice issue, to be included and recognized among other types of diversity. We don't all have the same brains just like we don't all have the same bodies, histories, gender, ethnicity, et cetera. This page is focused on understanding Bipolar specifically, although it is relevant to many types of neurodiversity.
Gender/Transgender Issues
WPATH: World Professional Association for Transgender Health : Direct link to Standards of Care publication for Transgender Health. This may be useful when speaking to your doctor about your transition, in receiving necessary care as a transgender person, or as a cisgender person in understanding a friend or family member's transition.
Gender Is Between Your Ears, Not Between Your Legs : A listing of some general gender terminology and understanding of the non-binary-ness of gender & the visible/not visible politics of queerness.
What The Heck Is Genderqueer? An article on Slate's blog about the meaning and relevance of the term "genderqueer".
The Agender Agenda: Cartoon describing the term "agender" and what gender identity means.
Gender pronouns : A list of gender-neutral pronouns and how to use them.
Sex & Sexuality
Finding a Kink-Aware Therapist : Dr. Kolmes describes what to look for in a kink-aware professional and therapist, as well as how to find the therapist that is right foryou. Dr. Kolmes also explains the differences in licenses and education between many of the initials California therapists use (such as MFT, LCSW, PsyD, etc).
CASE: California Alternative Sexual Education : "California Alternative Sexuality Education is an awesome panel of speakers and presenters who give presentations on alternative sexuality topics."
Life Transitions
Inspiring TED talks for guidance during life transitions and developmental junctions : An 11-talk playlist including talks from Brené Brown and Amanda Palmer, mostly geared towards folks in their mid-20s (but potentially relevant to all ages)
Mental Health Providers & Information
What is psychoanalysis? A series of articles on Psychology Today to help you understan psychoanalysis and psychoanalytic psychotherapy.
Drug Use & Recovery, and Harm Reduction
Harm Reduction Coalition: Committed to the rights of drug users and marginalized communities, this website has information on harm reduction methods, systems, and policy.